ZOOM Lecture: Natural History of Microorganisms

HSU biology professor Mark Wilson will give a presentation sponsored by Friends of the Arcata Marsh on “The Natural History of Microorganisms.” Bacteria are very small. There are billions (or hundreds of billions) of individuals in samples the size of an ice cube, which may contain as many as 50,000 different species! Mark's talk will focus on the methods used to study these complex communities and the individuals in them. Learn about current insights into the natural history of microorganisms, including aspects of diversity, evolution, and some unique and unusual biological features of bacteria. There will be time for questions after the presentation, which will be recorded and posted online for future viewing. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89958394489 Meeting ID: 899 5839 4489 Phone 1-669-900-9128 No password is required.