Savage Henry Presents: An Evening With Cornell Reid

Fresh off of DESTROYING the Savage Henry Comedy Festival, Cornell Reid returns to the stage for two shows at the Savage Henry Comedy Club. Come watch as Cornell riffs a whole new, completely original comedy set off the top of his head. He will be headlining tonight at 9pm with some of his favorite local performers for only FIVE BUCKS! Then at 11pm join Cornell, Matt Redbeard, Josh Barnes and Evan Vest as they watch a movie and goof on it. Mystery Crypt is Matt Redbeard’s excellent recurring movie riffing comedy shows that is sure to leave the audience howling. It’s Thursday night in a pandemic! So call in sick to your Zoom meeting tomorrow and come let loose with Savage Henry as they present: Cornell Creams Covid Tonight 9pm $5 @ Savage Henry Comedy Club and Mystery Crypt Watches “Children of the Corn” Tonight 11pm Donations Only @ Savage Henry Comedy Club