Climate Conversations

Wondering what your life would look like with a much smaller carbon footprint? Climate Conversations is a series of six educational and discussion groups led by Patrick Carr and sponsored by the Arcata Recreation Division. Join these conversations beginning Wednesday, April 26, 7 - 8:30 p.m. “Even the agreements set in Paris in 2015 won’t do enough to protect us from huge climate change impacts,” says Patrick Carr, organizer of Climate Conversations. “But there’s a big role that each of us can play in developing an ethic of responsibility for the carbon embedded in our lifestyles. We’re not helpless in this. Climate Conversations looks at techno-fixes, but also considers what our lives would look like with a smaller footprint, and the potential for human creativity and mutual support in navigating this challenge,” he adds. Pre-registration is required. Enroll online for this free course at www.cityofarcata.org/rec. Learn more about Climate Conversations by contacting the Arcata Recreation Division at (707) 822-7091 or contact Patrick Carr directly at (707) 672-5039. ###